Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Next steps at Beulah

Internship Week 6

Currently we are all done with recording data at Beulah! The next steps for the project is to input the data into an excel spreadsheet. We also have gps tracking and pictures left to do. As of today, my internship will be officially over! This is a very bitter sweet moment for me. I had a wonderful time working as FPAN's summer intern. I was able to learned extremely valuable skills in such a short period of time. Although the graded portion of my internship has come to an end, I plan on continuing my work until Beulah is completed. My ultimate goal with this project is presenting my findings. There will be a conference early next year and I plan on submitting our work to it. 

Once again, I would like to thank all the volunteers that have come out and helped us during the recording process. The weather has been an obstacle this summer but we have been able to overcome it for the most part. I would also like to thank Kevin Gidusko for giving me this wonderful opportunity.

If anyone is interested in helping with input data into an excel sheet and scanning marker forms please contact me through the project's Facebook page. There you will also find the next days we will be out at the cemetery.


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