Thursday, July 16, 2015

Recording Progress

Internship Week 5

Recording Day # 1

Monday June 29th was our first date recording with the volunteers. Sadly, we had to finish early due to thunderstorms in the area but we were able to record quite a few markers. 
Photos by: Kevin Gidusko
Collage by: Glenda Vaillant

When we record we play close attention the inscription on the marker, the marker material, and any grave goods around the marker. The inscriptions on the marker give clues to the characteristic of the deceased, such as age at death and religious affiliation.

We have becoming out every Monday in the month of July. We had lots of volunteers help out with this project. Thanks to them we have been able to make lots of progress. We are almost done recording!

Photo by: Kevin Gidusko
This particular gravestone caught our eye when recording on Monday. With a little research I was able to find that Mrs. America Keen had other family members at Beulah. He father Andrew Jackson Dunaway was a Confederate soldier and the first person to be buried in Beulah. The Civil War has left a mark in Florida's history, with a large population migrating to Florida after the war. 

Photos by: Kevin Gidusko
 Collage by: Glenda Vaillant
On our second day of recording a reporter from the West Orange Times came out and interviewed the volunteers.

Photos by: Glenda Vaillant Cruz
Collage by: Glenda Vaillant Cruz

On our the third and latest recording date we got a lot of help from our wonderful volunteers! We were able to record more than half of Beulah! While recording we came across a marker with several different types of grave goods. When we find marker like this we are reminded of why the preservation of historic cemeteries is so important. Historic cemeteries serve as a remembrance of those who are no longer with us, but they also remind us of our beginnings. There is so much to be learned from what others have left. Moving forward with this internship I examine what can be learned from Beulah. 
If you are interested in volunteering at Beulah please check out the Orange County Historic Cemetery Recording Project Facebook page. We will post the upcoming recording dates, as well as more information about this project.


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